Manual Handling Awareness Training

A 3 hour Manual Handling Awareness training session designed for those who carry out manual handling activities at work and introducing people to the hazards of manual handling and the risks involved.

Course duration: 3 hours
Up to 6 people: £395 plus VAT
Up to 12 people: £450 plus VAT

Manual Handling Principles and Practice (Awareness) Three Hours

Course description

A 3 hour Manual Handling Awareness training session designed for those who carry out manual handling activities at work and introducing people to the hazards of manual handling and the risks involved when lifting and carrying at work.

Who is the manual handling awareness course suitable for?

Everyone who carries out manual handling tasks in the course of their work.

What you will learn on the manual handling awareness course

Successful completion of the manual handling awareness course will enable participants to look carefully at their own work activities and contribute to the development of safer manual handling methods and tasks, in co-operation with their managers and supervisors.

Manual Handling Awareness Training CourseLearning outcomes

  • The process of manual handling
  • Manual handling injuries and the activities which can cause injury
  • Manual handling risk assessment and control options
  • T I L E assessments
  • Responsibilities imposed by the Manual Handling Operations Regulations
  • Practical lifting of relevant objects
  • Team Lifting
  • Manual Handling Equipment

Assessment and certification

Each manual handling awareness course participant will receive an attendance certificate. It is recommended that, in the absence of any injuries at work due to manual handling, this course should be refreshed every three years or where a review is required.

Fully inclusive training

All costs are fully inclusive of onsite training delivery, travel, manual handling awareness course materials and manual handling certification.
We work with each client individually so please let us know if you have any specific manual handling training requirements prior to training.

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