Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Training Course Three Hours

Course description

This short safeguarding vulnerable adults training course provides students with the essential knowledge and understanding of what constitutes abuse, how to recognise and then report it. The training course also enables them to gain an understanding of what support is available to both them and also to the client in relation to safeguarding vulnerable adults. This safeguarding vulnerable adults training course is presented through a mixture of theory, group discussions, as well as scenario based work.

Who is the safeguarding vulnerable adults course suitable for?

Staff who work with vulnerable adults and therefore have a duty to ensure that their clients are protected from any abuse.

What you will learn on the training course

To be able to recognise and report abuse in line with both your organisational procedure as well as the local procedure to where you work.

Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Training CourseLearning Outcomes

  • Definition of Vulnerable adult & abuse
  • How to prevent abuse within the organisation
  • Categories of abuse (according to local policy) – looking at definition, examples and recognition features of each one
  • How to respond to the individual who has been abused
  • Documentation of abuse
  • The referral process (local and organisational)
  • Policies and legislation
  • Support available
  • Scenario based activities
Assessment and Certification

Certification is dependent on successful continuous assessment of the student throughout the safeguarding vulnerable adults training.

This course should be refreshed every year.

Duration of training course

3 hours

Cost of training

Up to 12 people £350 plus VAT
All costs are fully inclusive of:
Onsite delivery, travel, course materials and certification for the safeguarding of vulnerable adults course.
We work with each client individually so please let us know if you have any specific requirements prior to your safeguarding of vulnerable adults training.

Updated October 2023

Call us now on 01903 490099 or Email us at to book your Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults training course

Whether it is the safeguarding of vulnerable adults training or any of our other training courses you may be interested in, we will talk you through the best training options available over the phone or by e-mail.